



— MinePOS 团队 🌟

我们很高兴地宣布,MinePOS 9.3 版本推出了一项新功能:VAT、GST 和 HST 税率调整!该功能为企业提供了灵活性,可以在特定时期内轻松修改税率,帮助您遵守政府规定的临时税率减免。


政府通常会实施临时的税率减免政策,例如降低 VAT、GST 或 HST 税率,以刺激经济活动。高效管理这些变化确保合规,同时提升客户体验。


    1. 按时间段自定义税率

      • 可以轻松调整所有产品和服务的 VAT、GST 或 HST 税率。
      • 设置新税率的开始和结束日期。
    2. 支持临时税率减免

      • 非常适用于实施政府的税率减免政策,例如在特定时期将 VAT 从 10% 降至 8%。
      • 设置的时间结束后,税率会自动恢复为原来的水平。
    3. 灵活的税务管理

      • 对特定产品或服务应用不同的税率。
      • 快速适应当地或国家的税务法规。
    4. 详细的税务报告

      • 准确跟踪调整税率的交易。
      • 简化您的企业的税务对账和报税工作。


请注意,商店对 MinePOS 系统中的税率设置负全责。MinePOS 提供了调整 VAT、GST 和 HST 税率的工具,但 我们不承担因税率设置错误或问题引起的任何责任。商店有责任确保税率配置正确,并遵守相关法规。


    1. 转到 MinePOS 中的 设置 菜单。
    2. 选择 税务设置
    3. 添加或编辑税务例外:
      • 输入新的税率并定义生效期限。
      • 保存更改后,系统将在销售交易中自动应用这些设置。


    • 按政府政策调整税率的零售商。
    • 需要快速适应当地税务法规的企业。
    • 在多个地区运营,且税务规则灵活的服务提供商。

使用 MinePOS 准备应对税务变化



此更新现已提供给所有 MinePOS 用户。如果您需要帮助,请参考我们的文档或联系支持团队。

MinePOS 带来灵活的未来

在 MinePOS,我们致力于提供智能且灵活的解决方案,帮助企业应对挑战。税率调整功能是我们持续优化企业管理的使命的一部分。


MineOrder is a tech startup providing smart management and payment solutions via QR codes, designed to optimize operations and enhance customer experiences.
We are seeking Business Development partners to collaborate and grow the market in Vietnam.

About the MinePOS application

    • Smart QR Codes: Generate QR codes for tables, payment counters, hotel rooms, and services like hourly housekeeping bookings. Customers can quickly place orders or make payments by scanning codes, functioning both online and offline.
    • Cost-Effective: Eliminates the need for traditional POS systems, making it easy to implement and use, suitable for all types of businesses.
    • Flexible Integration: Offers automated features tailored to the diverse and specific needs of the Vietnamese market, ranging from restaurants and hotels to personal services.

What will you do?

    • Collaborate to develop the startup in F&B, retail, and service sectors.
    • Assist in implementation and provide solution consultations for customers.
    • Provide feedback to improve the product to better meet the needs of the Vietnamese market.

Who are we looking for?

    • Partners with an entrepreneurial mindset, passion for technology, and a desire to support startup growth.
    • Those with market insights and experience in the F&B and retail industries.
    • Strong communication, networking, and relationship-building skills.


For more information, please contact us

Embracing Sustainability - Why the Future of Business Lies in the MineOrder Ecosystem

In today’s world, businesses face a growing call to integrate sustainable practices into their operations—not only as a benefit to the environment but as a response to a shift in consumer expectations. Customers want transparency, eco-friendly practices, and efficiency. The MineOrder ecosystem is a groundbreaking solution built to meet these demands, providing an innovative approach to business that prioritizes both sustainability and convenience.

The Environmental Benefits of Digital Transactions

Traditional ordering and payment processes, from paper receipts to outdated POS hardware, leave a significant environmental footprint. With MineOrder’s ecosystem, transactions are conducted digitally, reducing the need for physical items and cutting down on paper waste. Through QR code ordering with MinePOS and MinePOP, we offer a low-waste alternative that minimizes our dependence on non-recyclable materials, streamlining operations for both businesses and customers.

This digital-first approach is not just about efficiency; it’s about reducing the carbon footprint of every transaction. By embracing QR code technology, businesses can enjoy smoother, faster transactions without the environmental cost of printing menus, receipts, or promotional materials.

Building Efficiency and Saving Resources

The MineOrder ecosystem stands out for more than just sustainability; it brings unparalleled efficiency to businesses. Whether you’re a restaurant, café, or retailer, our platform supports all stages of customer interaction—from ordering and payment through MinePOP to real-time tracking and reporting in MinePOS. Businesses can save on costs related to physical infrastructure and staff time, making their operations leaner and more focused on providing value to customers.

This optimized experience reduces the need for multiple devices, POS hardware, and, by extension, the resources required to manufacture and maintain them. With everything in one integrated digital system, MineOrder is designed to scale seamlessly with businesses, creating a future where every transaction is eco-friendly and efficient.

Empowering a Greener Future Through Innovation

MineOrder is part of a larger movement toward sustainable technology. This ecosystem represents our commitment to using technology for good, paving the way for a greener future in business operations. Imagine a world where customers engage with your business purely through their own devices, accessing services, menus, and payments through QR codes without the need for additional materials or devices. This approach doesn’t just cater to the trends—it sets a foundation for sustainable practices that benefit everyone.

Our Vision for the Future

We believe that the future of business is digital, sustainable, and customer-centric. MineOrder is more than a product; it’s our answer to the global need for eco-friendly solutions that still support robust business growth. By adopting the MineOrder ecosystem, you’re not just choosing a product; you’re investing in a future where businesses thrive without compromising the planet.

Join us in leading this movement. The future is here with MineOrder—and together, we can build a greener world, one transaction at a time.

告别昂贵的POS系统—只需 MinePOS、一台热敏打印机和MinePOP,即可流畅运营您的业务,为客户带来卓越的体验。

    • 您的设备就是POS:MinePOS将您的智能手机或平板电脑转变为功能齐全的POS终端,让您轻松管理订单、库存和支付—无需额外设备。
    • 自助结账体验,搭配MinePOP:客户可以自由浏览、下单并通过手机支付。MinePOP为他们提供便捷的无接触购物体验。
    • 简单的热敏打印:无需现金抽屉或复杂设置,轻松打印收据。数字支付让交易更快速流畅。

为什么选择MinePOS + MinePOP?

我们很高兴推出 MinePOSMinePOP 2.9 版!此版本包含多项改进,旨在增强用户体验并简化两个平台上的业务运营。

2.9 版有哪些新功能?

    • 增强的二维码订购:体验改进的生成和管理二维码的功能,使客户可以更轻松地使用 MinePOS 和 MinePOP 直接从他们的设备订购和付款。

    • 简化的移动 POS 功能:在 MinePOS 中享受更直观的界面和更快的处理时间,确保您的业务交易顺畅高效。

    • 强大的库存管理:在 MinePOS 中更准确地跟踪库存水平,并在库存不足时接收实时警报,帮助您有效地管理产品。

    • 用户友好型更新:我们简化了更新流程,让您可以轻松访问两个平台上的新功能.

    • 跨平台支持:得益于所有设备的兼容性提高,无论您使用 Windows、iOS 还是 Android,都能确保无缝体验.

立即下载最新版本的 MinePOSMinePOP https://www.mineorder.com/Download-App?lang=zh 探索这些激动人心的新功能,继续轻松优化您的业务!感谢您成为 MineOrder 社区的尊贵成员,您的反馈推动了我们的成长和创新。


借助 MinePOS 的免费二维码功能,餐厅、零售店和酒店等企业可以为结账点创建二维码,让客户直接链接到定制菜单或产品列表。此功能允许客户扫描和查看特定于其位置(例如餐厅餐桌或酒店房间)的物品,从而提高客户便利性并实现非接触式体验。以下是设置和使用 MinePOS 二维码菜单以简化客户互动的分步指南。

在 MinePOS 上设置二维码作为结账点

    1. 将产品上传到 MinePOS
      首先在 MinePOS 中列出您的产品或菜单项。您可以将商品分类并添加描述、价格和图片,以确保客户在浏览时获得所需的所有信息.

    2. 为结账点生成唯一的二维码
      一旦您的产品上架,MinePOS 便可让您为特定结账点(例如餐厅的餐桌、零售店的购物车、酒店的房间或其他关键位置)创建唯一的二维码。这些代码直接链接到商品列表或分配给该特定位置的菜单。只需选择结账点,生成二维码并下载即可使用.

    3. 下载并打印二维码,方便访问


将 MinePOS 二维码添加到您的网站以方便访问


您可以节省构建和维护完整电子商务网站的成本。您的商店不需要专门的网站来展示产品。只需将产品上传到 MinePOS 并在您的网站或结账点显示二维码,客户就可以直接从您的网站或店内扫描二维码菜单。这会立即在 MineOrder.com 或 MinePOP 应用程序中加载您的产品,让客户轻松浏览和购物.

    1. 生成并下载二维码以供在线使用
      在 MinePOS 上为您的结账点生成二维码后,下载二维码文件的数字版本。然后可以将这些数字二维码嵌入到您的网站中.

    2. 将二维码嵌入您的网站

    3. 让在线客户轻松访问菜单和商品

客户如何从 MinePOS QR 码菜单中受益

    • 即时产品访问:客户扫描二维码即可立即访问与其特定结账点相关的菜单或产品列表.
    • 快捷结账:通过扫描,顾客可以快速浏览商品并直接从移动设备进行结账,无需排队.
    • 特别优惠和促销:二维码还可以链接到独家折扣或季节性优惠,让客户轻松发现并参与您的促销活动.

使用 MinePOS QR 码菜单简化您的操作

借助 MinePOS 二维码菜单,企业可以提供无缝、非接触式的体验,让客户轻松浏览和购买产品。此功能是实现运营现代化、减少等待时间并让客户控制其体验的有效方法。只需设置您的产品、创建二维码并将其放置在战略结账点即可开始.

使用 MinePOS 的惊人折扣迎接冬季的到来!

2024 年 10 月 15 日到 2025 年 3 月 15 日,新用户不仅可以享受我们的免费套餐,而且您还有机会以所有 MinePOS 服务套餐 50% 的折扣升级您的销售管理系统。


    • 界面友好,使用方便
    • 集成智能功能,实现有效管理
    • 24/7客户支持


In today's fast-paced world, businesses are continually seeking ways to simplify operations and enhance customer experiences. The latest innovation from MineOrder brings an intuitive, modern solution to selling—QR code ordering. This technology offers businesses the ability to connect with their customers seamlessly, and the best part? It all happens in just three simple steps.

How It Works:

    1. Scan the QR Code: MineOrder provides businesses with unique, customizable QR codes that customers can scan. Whether printed on menus, tables, or flyers, the QR code is the gateway to the customer's shopping journey.

    2. Check Out the Menu: Once scanned, customers are instantly directed to the business's menu. Here, they can browse through products or services, adding their choices to the cart. It’s convenient, user-friendly, and eliminates the need for traditional menus or extensive wait times.

    3. Checkout and Payment: After selecting their items, customers complete the checkout process directly on their phones. As soon as they confirm their order, the business is notified immediately within the MineOrder app, allowing for quick service and hassle-free payments.

The Benefits of QR Code Ordering

Businesses that adopt MineOrder can start selling with QR codes immediately, tapping into the simplicity and efficiency that customers love. It’s a streamlined process, making transactions smoother for both the business and its customers. But MineOrder doesn’t stop there.

More Than Just QR Codes

MineOrder is not just about convenience; it’s a stacked point-of-sale (POS) system designed to help businesses grow. Beyond QR code ordering, the platform boasts powerful features that take the stress out of managing sales, reporting, and customer engagement. Whether you’re a small café or a bustling food truck, MineOrder provides a comprehensive solution to meet your business needs.

Why Choose MineOrder?

With its quick, easy, and powerful features, MineOrder transforms how businesses interact with their customers. The system ensures that transactions are completed efficiently, providing a smooth user experience for both business owners and customers. The technology’s simplicity encourages businesses to start selling with QR codes right away, while also giving them access to a robust set of features to optimize sales and operations.

Ready to Enhance Your Sales Experience?

The future of selling is here, and it starts with a QR code. Whether you're just getting started or looking for an upgrade to your existing system, MineOrder has everything you need to thrive in the competitive marketplace. With MineOrder, it's all about quick, simple sales.

Streamline Your Business with QR Code Ordering

As a business owner, you're always looking for ways to make operations more efficient without overhauling your existing systems. With MineOrder, you can sell products using just a QR code—no need to change your current POS system or invest in new hardware.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Print a unique QR code for your business.
  2. Customers scan the code and place their orders through their own device.
  3. You get paid directly.
  4. Hand the customer their order.

MineOrder integrates seamlessly with your current workflow, making it perfect for small businesses like cafes, food trucks, and market vendors. Customers love the convenience, and you’ll appreciate how easy it is to implement without disrupting your existing setup.

Ready to streamline your business? Learn more and get started at mineorder.com.

Why Small Business Owners Should Use MinePOS to Enable QR Code Ordering

As a small business owner, your goal is to provide the best possible experience for your customers while running an efficient, streamlined operation. Today, convenience is key, and customers expect quick, easy ways to interact with businesses—especially when it comes to placing orders. That’s where MinePOS comes in.

By adding MinePOS to your current setup, you unlock the power of QR code ordering, a modern solution that simplifies how your customers place orders. Here’s why this feature can be a game-changer for your business.

1. A Touch-Free, Convenient Ordering Experience

With MinePOS, customers no longer have to wait in line or flag down staff to place their orders. Instead, they can simply scan a QR code that you display at your location—whether it's on a table, at the counter, or even at an event. The code takes them to a customized online menu where they can browse your products or menu, place their order, and even pay directly through their phone.

This touch-free ordering process reduces wait times, makes service faster, and offers the kind of convenience customers crave, whether they're dining in, picking up, or at a farmer’s market.

2. Works With Any POS System

You don’t have to overhaul your existing POS system to take advantage of this modern solution. MinePOS works alongside your current POS, enabling online orders through the QR code without disrupting your existing setup.

For example, your current POS can still handle in-store payments, while MinePOS can manage the online side of things. This means you can seamlessly integrate both systems, offering the best of both worlds to your customers.

3. Reduces Staff Workload

Small businesses often operate with a limited staff, and taking orders while juggling other tasks can stretch your team thin. With QR code ordering, your staff no longer needs to manually take every order. Customers can place their own orders, giving your team more time to focus on preparing food, processing sales, or providing great customer service.

This not only improves the customer experience but also optimizes your business’s efficiency—especially during peak times.

4. Boost Sales and Customer Engagement

QR code ordering through MinePOS opens up new opportunities to engage with your customers. For instance, you can offer digital coupons, discounts, or exclusive deals right within the ordering system, encouraging customers to spend more and come back for repeat visits.

You can also collect customer data (with consent) to send personalized offers or loyalty rewards, helping you build lasting relationships with your clientele.

5. Ideal for Food Trucks, Farmer’s Markets, and Pop-Up Shops

If you’re running a mobile or seasonal business, MinePOS is perfect for you. It allows you to set up a digital ordering system anywhere—whether you’re at a food truck festival, a farmer’s market, or a pop-up shop. All you need to do is display your QR code, and customers can place their orders directly from their phones, giving you a flexible and portable solution.

6. Faster Service, Happier Customers

By allowing customers to order instantly from their phones, you speed up the ordering process. Faster service means fewer bottlenecks and a smoother experience overall, which leads to happier customers. And happy customers are more likely to return, recommend your business, and leave positive reviews.

In today’s fast-paced world, businesses that prioritize convenience and efficiency win. By integrating MinePOS with your existing POS system and offering QR code ordering, you’re not only modernizing your business but also creating an easy, seamless experience that keeps customers coming back.

Make the switch and see how MinePOS can elevate your business today!

What’s New in MineOrder Version 2.4?

  • Improved UI Performance: We've made significant enhancements to the user interface, ensuring a smoother and more responsive experience. Navigating through the app is now faster and more intuitive than ever.
  • Enhanced Sales Reports: We've improved the sales reports to make tracking your sales easier and more detailed.
  • General Performance Improvements: Various optimizations have been made to boost overall app performance.


Get MinePOS Today:


您是个体企业主,正在寻找功能强大且方便客户的销售点 (POS) 解决方案吗?MinePOS 可助您一臂之力!我们用户友好且功能强大的 POS 系统对个体企业完全免费,现在,它可以与我们创新的自助结账应用程序 MinePOP 无缝结合。

使用 MinePOS,您可以高效地管理销售、跟踪库存并提供卓越的客户服务。通过添加 MinePOP,您可以为客户提供自助结账的便利,增强他们的购物体验并减少等待时间。

MinePOS 和 MinePOP 共同提供完整的解决方案,帮助您专注于发展业务,同时保持低成本。加入受益于这一强大组合的企业社区,开始为您的客户提供他们应得的便利!

如何免费订阅 MinePOS

  1. 访问 https://www.mineorder.com/Mine-POS?lang=zh 并下载 MinePOS。
  2. 您可以在 iOS、macOS(M 系列)或 Windows 10/11 上运行 MinePOS。
  3. 使用您的电子邮件注册一个企业帐户。
  4. 转到“订阅”并选择“入门免费”套餐(查看此套餐支持的功能)。
  5. 输入您想要免费使用的月数。
  6. 结帐并确认您的订单,价格为 0 美元。

现在您可以免费使用 MinePOS!如需更多信息或帮助,请发送电子邮件至 support@mineorder.com


MineOrder 团队!

We are excited to share that MinePOS - Mine Point of Sale is now available on the Microsoft Store, in addition to the iOS App Store! 🎉

For our Windows users, this means you can now easily download and use MinePOS directly from the Microsoft Store. Whether you're managing sales on your PC or using your Windows tablet, MinePOS is designed to provide a seamless and efficient experience across all your devices.

  • Optimized for Windows: Enjoy an interface and features tailored specifically for Windows, making your point-of-sale operations smoother and more intuitive.
  • Easy Installation: Quickly install MinePOS from the Microsoft Store without the need for external downloads or installations.
  • Cross-Platform Sync: Whether you're using MinePOS on iOS or Windows, your data syncs effortlessly, ensuring you have up-to-date information at all times.

Get MinePOS Today:

We’re committed to making MinePOS as accessible and convenient as possible for your business needs, and we can’t wait for you to experience the benefits on your Windows devices.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

The MineOrder team.

What’s New in MineOrder Version 2.3?

Improved UI Performance: We've made significant enhancements to the user interface to ensure a smoother and more responsive experience. Navigating through the app is now faster and more intuitive than ever before.

We continually strive to improve your experience, and this update is part of our ongoing commitment to providing you with the best possible app.

We are thrilled to announce the release 2.2 of our newly updated MinePOP and MinePOS apps! The latest version is packed with exciting features and enhancements designed to provide an even better user experience.

What's New:

  • Enhanced User Interface
  • Printing receipts Improvements on MinePOS
  • Improved Performance: Faster load times and smoother interactions for a more responsive app.
  • Integrate MinePOP Pay on MinePOS

How to Get the Update:

  • For iOS users, visit the link MinePOP and MinePOS and update to the latest version.
  • Android users cannot download the apps yet. They are still in developments.

We are thrilled to announce the release 2.1 of our newly updated MinePOP and MinePOS apps! The latest version is packed with exciting features and enhancements designed to provide an even better user experience.

What's New:

  • Enhanced User Interface
  • Free and Paid subscriptions packages. See more details version 2.1 
  • Improved Performance: Faster load times and smoother interactions for a more responsive app.

How to Get the Update:

We are excited to announce the upcoming releases of MinePOS and MinePOP version 2.1! Here’s what you can expect from these updates:

1) MinePOP 2.1
Improved Performance: Significant enhancements have been made to ensure MinePOP runs faster and more efficiently.
Bug Fixes: We've addressed various bugs to improve the overall stability and user experience.

2) MinePOS 2.1
We're introducing a new subscription model to better cater to the diverse needs of our users. The subscription plans are as follows:

Free for Starter:
Description: Ideal for individual businesses looking to get started with MinePOS.
Features: Basic functionalities to help you manage your business efficiently.

Economy Plan:
Description: Designed for small businesses needing more advanced features.
Features: Includes all features of the Starter plan plus additional tools to enhance business operations.

Enterprise Plan:
Description: Perfect for medium-sized businesses requiring comprehensive POS solutions.
Features: Includes all features of the Economy plan along with advanced analytics and reporting.

Tailored Solution Plan:
Description: For businesses that need customized integrations with MinePOS.
Features: We provide support to connect MinePOS with your existing systems, offering a seamless integration to enhance your business processes.

Stay tuned for the official release dates and more detailed information about each plan. We are committed to supporting your business growth with these new updates and offerings.
For any inquiries or further details, please contact our support team. Thank you for choosing MinePOS and MinePOP!

Try it out for free,

The MineOrder Team