Reset password (MineOrder App)

Reset password (MineOrder App)

If you forget your password, you can either reset it from the MineOrder App or from the web.

To reset your password from website, click here

The following steps will show you how to reset your password on the MineOrder App:

  1. Download Mine Order App (if you have not downloaded it yet)
  2. Open the MineOrder App
  3. Click Login 

  4. Click I've forgotten my password

  5. Enter your registered email address and click Submit

  6. Check the email that you got from, and get the verification code

  7. Enter the verification code 

  8. Click Submit

    • If the verification code is correct, it will show you the reset password screen

    • Change your password and click Update Password
    • You'll receive a your password has been changed message if this process is sucessfull. Otherwise, it will show you an error message
    • An email will be sent to you to confirm the password changed

  9. Login with your new password